Fawkes ------ Fawkes is a privacy protection system developed by researchers at [SANDLab](http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/), University of Chicago. For more information about the project, please refer to our project [webpage](http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/). We published an academic paper to summary our work "[Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models](https://www.shawnshan.com/files/publication/fawkes.pdf)" at *USENIX Security 2020*. If you would like to use Fawkes to protect your images, please check out our binary implementation on the [website](http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/#code). Usage ----- `$ fawkes` Options: * `-m`, `--mode` : the tradeoff between privacy and perturbation size * `-d`, `--directory` : the directory with images to run protection * `-g`, `--gpu` : the GPU id when using GPU for optimization * `--batch-size` : number of images to run optimization together * `--format` : format of the output image. when --mode is `custom`: * `--th` : perturbation threshold * `--max-step` : number of optimization steps to run * `--lr` : learning rate for the optimization * `--feature-extractor` : name of the feature extractor to use * `--separate_target` : whether select separate targets for each faces in the diectory. ### Tips - Select the best mode for your need. `Low` protection is effective against most model trained by individual trackers with commodity face recongition model. `mid` is robust against most commercial models, such as Facebook tagging system. `high` is robust against powerful modeled trained using different face recongition API. - The perturbation generation takes ~60 seconds per image on a CPU machine, and it would be much faster on a GPU machine. Use `batch-size=1` on CPU and `batch-size>1` on GPUs. - Turn on separate target if the images in the directory belong to different person, otherwise, turn it off. Quick Installation ------------------ Install from [PyPI][pypi_fawkes]: ``` pip install fawkes ``` If you don't have root privilege, please try to install on user namespace: `pip install --user fawkes`. ### Citation ``` @inproceedings{shan2020fawkes, title={Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models}, author={Shan, Shawn and Wenger, Emily and Zhang, Jiayun and Li, Huiying and Zheng, Haitao and Zhao, Ben Y}, booktitle="Proc. of USENIX Security", year={2020} } ```