# Fawkes Fawkes is a privacy protection system developed by researchers at University of Chicago. For more information about the project, please refer to our project [webpage](http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/). We published an academic paper to summary our work "[Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.08327.pdf)" at *USENIX Security 2020*. ### BEFORE YOU RUN OUR CODE If you would like to use Fawkes to protect your images, please check out our binary implementation on the [website](http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/#code). If you are a developer or researcher planning to customize and modify on our existing code. Please refer to [fawkes_dev](https://github.com/Shawn-Shan/fawkes/tree/master/fawkes_dev). ### INSTALL FAWKES Fawkes can be installed with pip. Simply run: `pip install fawkes` ### Citation ``` @inproceedings{shan2020fawkes, title={Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models}, author={Shan, Shawn and Wenger, Emily and Zhang, Jiayun and Li, Huiying and Zheng, Haitao and Zhao, Ben Y}, booktitle="Proc. of USENIX Security", year={2020} } ```