# KEYS Centralized repository for storing SSL and GPG public keys used by KSKA. Ensure secure communication and authentication across systems and services with easy access to verified public keys. --- ## GPG Keys - [git@kska.io.asc](https://git.kska.io/kska.io/keys/src/branch/main/gpg-keys/git@kska.io.asc) -> All the commits to the repositories in the [kska.io organization in KSKA Git](https://git.kska.io/kska.io) are signed with this GPG key belonging to KSKA. This ensures that each commit is authentic and has not been tampered with. Verified commits display a "lock icon" next to the commit message. - Fingerprint: DE09 9D62 A591 101A 5AE1 003A AD54 DFC0 2620 6930 - Expires on 15 February 2034 --- > I plan on adding another GPG key in the near future for sending encrypted emails to KSKA. ---