#!/bin/bash cat << "EOF" __| |______________________________________________________________________| |__ __ ______________________________________________________________________ __ | | | | | | | | | | ____ _ _ _ | | | | | _ \ ___ ___(_) __ _ _ __ ___ __| | __ _ _ __ __| | | | | | | | | |/ _ \/ __| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | |_| | __/\__ \ | (_| | | | | __/ (_| | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | |____/ \___||___/_|\__, |_| |_|\___|\__,_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| | | | | |___/ | | | | _____ _ _ _ | | | | | ____|_ __ __ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __| | | |__ _ _ | | | | | _| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ '__/ _ \/ _` | | '_ \| | | | | | | | | |___| | | | (_| | | | | | __/ __/ | | __/ (_| | | |_) | |_| | | | | | |_____|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|\___|\___|_| \___|\__,_| |_.__/ \__, | | | | | |___/ |___/ | | | | _ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | |/ /___| |__ (_) |_(_)(_) | | | | | ' // __| '_ \| | __| || | | | | | | . \\__ \ | | | | |_| || | | | | | |_|\_\___/_| |_|_|\__|_|/ | | | | | |__/ | | | | | | __| |______________________________________________________________________| |__ __ ______________________________________________________________________ __ | | | | EOF # Declaring variables line="==================================" # Update and upgrade packages echo -e "$line\nUpdating and upgrading packages.\n$line\n" sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y echo -e "$line\nFinished updating and upgrading packages.\n$line\n" # Check if python3-pip is installed echo -e "$line\nChecking for python3-pip.\n$line\n" if ! dpkg -l | grep -q python3-pip; then echo -e "$line\npython3-pip is not installed,\nInstalling python3-pip.\n$line\n" sudo apt install python3-pip -y else echo -e "$line\npython3-pip already installed, moving on...\n$line\n" fi # Check if libgpiod2 is installed echo -e "$line\nChecking for libgpiod2.\n$line\n" if ! dpkg -l | grep -q libgpiod2; then echo -e "$line\nlibgpiod2 is not installed,\nInstalling python3-setuptools.\n$line\n" sudo apt install libgpiod2 -y else echo -e "$line\nlibgpiod2 already installed, moving on...\n$line\n" fi # Create project folder USER=$(whoami) PROJECT_DIR="/home/$USER/Desktop/temp-sensor" if [ ! -d "$PROJECT_DIR" ]; then echo -e "$line\nCreating 'temp-sensor' in Desktop directory for current user.\n$line\n" mkdir -p "$PROJECT_DIR" cp "./raspi-blinka.py" "./temp-calc.py" "$PROJECT_DIR/" echo -e "$line\nCreated '$PROJECT_DIR' directory.\n$line\n" else echo -e "$line\n$PROJECT_DIR already exists. Please delete the folder before running this script.\n$line\n\nExiting..." exit 1 fi # Create and activate Python virtual environment cd "$PROJECT_DIR/" chmod ugo+x ./raspi-blinka.py ./temp-calc.py python3 -m venv . --system-site-packages echo -e "$line\nVirtual environment created.\n$line\n" echo -e "$line\nActivating virtual environment...\n$line\n" source $PROJECT_DIR/bin/activate echo -e "$line\nInstalling dependencies...\n$line\n" pip3 install --upgrade setuptools click adafruit-python-shell adafruit-circuitpython-dht echo -e "$line\nSetting up raspi-blinka...\n$line\n" sudo python3 raspi-blinka.py echo -e "\n\n\n$line$line$line\nSetup completed.\nExecute the command 'python3 temp-calc.py' to calculate\nthe temperature.\n# DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ.\n# END OF SCRIPT\n$line$line$line\n\n\n" exit 1