# Description: A menu driven, random character generator. ## BEGINNING OF CODE # Importing modules import random, string, time # Declaring variables speed=0 quantity=int() n=1 # Generate gibberish using built-in string and random modules. def generator(quantity): txt=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(quantity)) return txt # Print the randomly generated text at user defined speed and quantity. def printer(): global n while (n<=quantity): gen=generator(n) print(n, "->", gen) n+=1 time.sleep(speed) # Select the speed at which text is displayed. def speed_optn(): global speed print("\n----- SPEED SELECTION -----") print("1 -> Silly") print("2 -> Mili") print("3 -> Bili") print("4 -> I'm Feeling Lucky 🌟") print("5 -> Exit now (last chance)") speed=int(input("Select an option (1-5):\t")) if (speed==1): #Silly speed=0.040 elif (speed==2): #Mili speed=0.027 elif (speed==3): #Bili speed=0.010 elif (speed==4): speed=0.001 elif (speed==5): print("\n\n##DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n") quit() else: print("\n\nPlease choose a valid option.\n\n") speed_optn() # Select the quantity of gibberish content to be displayed. def rand_optn(): global quantity,n while True: print("\n----- RANDOMNESS OPTIONS -----") print("1 -> Genhun") print("2 -> Genfou") print("3 -> Geneter 🌟") print("4 -> Exit now (i'm scared)") quantity=int(input("Choose quantity of randomness (CHOOSE WISELY):\t")) speed_optn() if (quantity==1): quantity=100 printer() print("\n\n##DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n\n") elif (quantity==2): quantity=500 printer() print("\n\n##DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n\n") elif (quantity==3): print("\n\n##DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n\n") while True: quantity+=1 printer() elif (quantity==4): print("\n\n## DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ") quit() else: print("\n\nPlease choose a valid option.\n\n") rand_optn() n=1 speed=0 quantity=0 #print("N:\t", n,"\nSpeed:\t", speed, "\nQuantity:\t", quantity) # For debugging purposes rand_optn() ## END OF CODE