str1 = input("Enter string: ") substr1 = input("Enter substring: ") occur1 = input("Enter character whose occurence is to be calculated: ") occur2 = str1.split() index1 = [] for i in occur2: for j in occur2: if(i == j and j not in index1): index1.append(i) else: continue def longestWord(): globalMax = 0 currentMax = 0 list1 = [] for i in str1: if (i != " "): currentMax = currentMax + 1 list1.append(i) else: if (currentMax > globalMax): globalMax = currentMax temp = list1 currentMax = 0 list1 = [] if (i == str1[len(str1) - 1]): if (currentMax > globalMax): globalMax = currentMax temp = list1 print("Longest word is: ", "".join(temp)) print("Length of largest word is: ", globalMax) def palindrome(): rev1 = str1 if (str1[::-1] == rev1): print("String is palindrome") else: print("String is not palindrome") def charfrequency(): temp = 0 for i in str1: max1 = 0 for j in range(0, len(str1)): if (str1[j] != " " and str1[j] == occur1): max1 = max1 + 1 else: continue if (max1 > temp): temp = max1 else: continue print("Number of times the character '", occur1, "' occurs: ", temp) def indexSubstring(): for i in range(len(str1) - len(substr1) + 1): if str1[i:i + len(substr1)] == substr1: print("Substring present in string at index: ", i) break else: print('Substring not present') def occurWord(): for i in index1: max1 = 0 for j in occur2: if(i == j): max1 = max1 + 1 else: continue print("The number of times '",i,"' is repeated is: ",max1) flag = 1 while flag == 1: print("1. Display word with longest word: \n") print("2. The occurence of '",occur1,"' in the string is: \n") print("3. Check whether is string is palindrome or not: \n") print("4. Display index of first appearance of the substring: \n") print("5. Occurrence of each word in the given string: \n") print("6. Exit") ch = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if(ch == 1): longestWord() elif(ch == 2): charfrequency() elif(ch == 3): palindrome() elif(ch == 4): indexSubstring() elif(ch == 5): occurWord() elif(ch>6 or ch<1): print("Enter valid choice") elif(ch == 6): flag = 0