''' Problem Statement: Write a Python program to store marks scored in subject “Fundamental of Data Structure” by N students in the class. Write functions to compute following: a) The average score of class b) Highest score and lowest score of class c) Count of students who were absent for the test d) Display mark with highest frequency Code from Data Structure Lab (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git: https://git.kska.io/sppu-se-comp-codes/DSL ''' # BEGINNING OF CODE # List for storing marks marks = [] total = int(input("Total number of students are:\t")) # Input marks def marksInput(): print("\n----------\nNOTE: PLEASE ENTER MARKS OUT OF 50. ENTER '-1' FOR ABSENT STUDENTS.\n----------\n") for i in range(total): enterMarks = int(input(f"Enter marks for student {i+1}:\t")) marks.append(enterMarks) print(f"\n-----\nMarks of {total} students are:\t{marks}\n-----") # Option 1 = Average score def average_marks(): marks_withoutAbsent = [] for i in marks: if (i >= 0): marks_withoutAbsent.append(i) else: break average_calc = sum(marks_withoutAbsent) / total print(f"\n------\nAverage score of {total} students is:\t{average_calc}\n-----") # Option 2 = High and low marks def high_low(): maxi = marks[0] # Initialize maxi with the first element of the marks list mini = marks[0] # Initialize mini with the first element of the marks list for i in range(len(marks)): if (maxi < marks[i] and marks[i] > -1): maxi = marks[i] for j in range(len(marks)): if (mini > marks[j] and marks[j] > -1): mini = marks[j] print(f"\n-----\nHighest score is:\t{maxi}\nLowest score is:\t{mini}\n-----") # Option 3 = Absent count def absent(): absent_count = 0; for i in marks: if (i < 0): absent_count+=1 else: continue print(f"\n-----\nTotal absent students are:\t{absent_count}\n-----") # Option 4 = Highest frequency def high_freq(): freq_count = 0 # Initialise frequency counter for i in range(len(marks)): # Iterate through marks list using i if (marks[i] >= 0): # Only consider non-negative marks (since -1 is absent) temp_count = 0 # Initialise temporary counter for j in range(len(marks)): # Iterate through marks list using j again if (marks[i] == marks[j]): temp_count+=1 if (freq_count < temp_count): # If temp_count is greater than freq_count value, then freq_count = temp_count # Make freq_count equal to temp_count print(f"\n-----\nHighest frequency is:\t{freq_count}\n-----") def main(): marksInput() while (1): print("\n----- MAIN MENU -----") print("1 -> Average score of class") print("2 -> Highest and lowest score of class") print("3 -> Total absent students") print("4 -> Marks with highest frequency") print("5 -> Exit") optn = int(input("Choose an option (1-5):\t")) if (optn == 1): average_marks() elif (optn == 2): high_low() elif (optn == 3): absent() elif (optn == 4): high_freq() elif (optn == 5): print("\n\n## END OF CODE\n\n") quit() else: print("\n\nPlease choose a valid option (1-5)\n\n") main() # END OF CODE