# List for storing marks marks = [] total = int(input("Total number of students are:\t")) # Input marks def marksInput(): print("\n----------\nNOTE: PLEASE ENTER MARKS OUT OF 50. ENTER '-1' FOR ABSENT STUDENTS.\n----------\n") for i in range(total): enterMarks = int(input(f"Enter marks for student {i+1}:\t")) marks.append(enterMarks) print(f"\n-----\nMarks of {total} students are:\t{marks}\n-----") # Option 1 = Average score def average_marks(): marks_withoutAbsent = [] for i in marks: if (i >= 0): marks_withoutAbsent.append(i) else: break average_calc = sum(marks_withoutAbsent) / total print(f"\n------\nAverage score of {total} students is:\t{average_calc}\n-----") # Option 2 = High and low marks def high_low(): maxi = marks[0] # Initialize maxi with the first element of the marks list mini = marks[0] # Initialize mini with the first element of the marks list for i in range(len(marks)): if (maxi < marks[i] and marks[i] > -1): maxi = marks[i] for j in range(len(marks)): if (mini > marks[j] and marks[j] > -1): mini = marks[j] print(f"\n-----\nHighest score is:\t{maxi}\nLowest score is:\t{mini}\n-----") # Option 3 = Absent count def absent(): absent_count = 0; for i in marks: if (i < 0): absent_count+=1 else: continue print(f"\n-----\nTotal absent students are:\t{absent_count}\n-----") # Option 4 = Highest frequency def high_freq(): freq_count = 0 # Initialise frequency counter for i in range(len(marks)): # Iterate through marks list using i if (marks[i] >= 0): # Only consider non-negative marks (since -1 is absent) temp_count = 0 # Initialise temporary counter for j in range(len(marks)): # Iterate through marks list using j again if (marks[i] == marks[j]): temp_count+=1 if (freq_count < temp_count): # If temp_count is greater than freq_count value, then freq_count = temp_count # Make freq_count equal to temp_count print(f"\n-----\nHighest frequency is:\t{freq_count}\n-----") def main(): marksInput() while (1): print("\n----- MAIN MENU -----") print("1 -> Average score of class") print("2 -> Highest and lowest score of class") print("3 -> Total absent students") print("4 -> Marks with highest frequency") print("5 -> Exit") optn = int(input("Choose an option (1-5):\t")) if (optn == 1): average_marks() elif (optn == 2): high_low() elif (optn == 3): absent() elif (optn == 4): high_freq() elif (optn == 5): print("\n\n## END OF CODE\n\n") quit() else: print("\n\nPlease choose a valid option (1-5)\n\n") main()