# Sorting (Selection+Bubble) and Top 5 marks=[] # Function to enter marks of students def input_marks(): students=int(input("Enter the number of students:\t")) for i in range(students): marks_in=float(input("Enter the marks (out of 50):\t")) marks.append(marks_in) print("\nThe marks you've entered for ", students, "students are: ", marks, "\n") # Function for selection sort def selection(): for i in range(len(marks)): min_index=i for j in range(i+1, len(marks)): if marks[j] < marks[min_index]: min_index=j marks[i], marks[min_index] = marks[min_index], marks[i] print("Marks sorted in ascending order using selection sort:\t", marks) def bubble(): for i in range(len(marks)): for j in range(0, len(marks)-i-1): if marks[j]>marks[j+1]: marks[j], marks[j+1] = marks[j+1], marks[j] print("Marks sorted in ascending order using bubble sort:\t", marks) def top5(): for i in range(len(marks)): for j in range(0, len(marks)-i-1): if marks[j]>marks[j+1]: marks[j], marks[j+1] = marks[j+1], marks[j] print("Top 5 marks using bubble sorting:\t", marks[len(marks):len(marks)-6:-1]) # Requires 6 elements in the list. def choose_optn(): while True: print("Choose an option from the menu below:") print("1 -> Input marks") print("2 -> Selection Sorting") print("3 -> Bubble Sorting") print("4 -> Display top 5") print("5 -> Exit") optn=int(input("Choose an option (1-5):\t")) if optn==1: input_marks() elif optn==2: selection() elif optn==3: bubble() elif optn==4: top5() elif optn==5: print("## DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n## END OF CODE") quit() else: print("\nPlease choose a valid option (1-5).\n") choose_optn() choose_optn()