# BINARY AND FIBONACCI SEARCH DON'T EXACTLY WORK. # HELP US IF YOU CAN BY CREATING AN ISSUE. # List to store roll numbers of students that attended the program programRoll=[] attendees=int(input("Enter the number of students attending the program:\t")) begin=0 # Function to take input for roll numbers in list def attendInput(): for i in range(attendees): roll=int(input(f"Enter roll number for student {i+1}:\t")) programRoll.append(roll) print(f"Roll numbers of {attendees} students that attended the program are:\t {programRoll}") # Linear search def linearSearch(roll_list, roll_search): for i in roll_list: if i==roll_search: return 1 # Sentinel search def sentinelSearch(roll_list, roll_search, n): end=roll_list[n-1] roll_list[n-1]=roll_search i=0 while (roll_list[i] != roll_search): i+=1 roll_list[n-1]=end if ((in: return -1 mid=(begin+n)//2 if roll_search==roll_list[mid]: return mid if roll_search1): i=min(offset+fibMMm2, n-1) if (students_attend[i]search_element): fibM=fibMMm2 fibMMm1=fibMMm1-fibMMm2 fibMMm2=fibM-fibMMm1 else: return i if(fibMMm1 and students_attend[offset+1]==search_element): return offset+1; else: return -1 def main(): # Input for marks and search roll attendInput() searchAttendee=int(input("\nEnter the roll number you want to search:\t")) # Options while True: print("\n----- CHOOSE SEARCH TYPE -----") print("1 -> Linear search") print("2 -> Sentinel search") print("3 -> Binary search") print("4 -> Fibonacci search") print("5 -> Exit") optn=int(input("\nChoose an option (1-5):\t")) if (optn==1): result=linearSearch(programRoll, searchAttendee) if (result==1): print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} attended the program.\n") else: print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} has either not been added to the list or was absent.\n") elif (optn==2): result=sentinelSearch(programRoll, searchAttendee, attendees) if (result==1): print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} attended the program.\n") else: print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} has either not been added to the list or was absent.\n") elif (optn==3): result=binarySearch(programRoll, searchAttendee, begin, attendees) if (result==-1): print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} attended the program.\n") else: print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} has either not been added to the list or was absent.\n") elif (optn==4): result=fibonacciSearch(programRoll, searchAttendee, attendees) if (result==-1): print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} attended the program.\n") else: print(f"\nRoll number {searchAttendee} has either not been added to the list or was absent.\n") elif (optn==5): print("## DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED BY KSHITIJ\n## END OF CODE") quit() else: print("\nPlease choose a valid option (1-5)\n") main() # Calling main function main()