Uni = [] n = int(input("Enter number of students: ")) for i in range(0,n): element = input() Uni.append(element) print(Uni) cricket = [] b = int(input("Enter number students who play cricket: ")) for j in range(0,b): ele=input() cricket.append(ele) print(cricket) bad = [] c = int(input("Enter number students who play badminton: ")) for k in range(0,c): elem=input() bad.append(elem) print(bad) foot = [] d = int(input("Enter number students who play football: ")) for j in range(0,d): eleme=input() foot.append(eleme) print(foot) def CB(): list3 = intersection(cricket,bad) print("Names of common students who play cricket and badminton: ", list3) print("Number of students who play cricket and badminton: ",len(list3)) def CF(): list3 = intersection(cricket,foot) print("Names of common students who play cricket and football: ", list3) print("Number of students who play cricket and football: ",len(list3)) def BF(): list3 = intersection(bad,foot) print("Names of common students who play football and badminton: ", list3) print("Number of students who play badminton and football: ",len(list3)) def intersection(list1,list2): list3=[] for val in list1: if val in list2: list3.append(val) return list3 def eCeB(): D1=diff(cricket,bad) D2=diff(bad,cricket) # print("C-B = ",D1) # print("B-C = ",D2) DUB=union(D1,D2) print("People who play either cricket or badminton but not both: ",DUB) def eCeF(): D1=diff(cricket,foot) D2=diff(foot,cricket) # print("C-B = ",D1) # print("B-C = ",D2) DUB=union(D1,D2) print("People who play either cricket or football but not both: ",DUB) def eFeB(): D1=diff(foot,bad) D2=diff(bad,foot) # print("C-B = ",D1) # print("B-C = ",D2) DUB=union(D1,D2) print("People who play either football or badminton but not both: ",DUB) def diff(list1, list2): list3 = [] for val in list1: if val not in list2: list3.append(val) return list3 def union(list1,list2): list3 = list1.copy() for val in list2: if val not in list3: list3.append(val) return list3 def nCnB(): list4 = diff(Uni,union(cricket,bad)) print("Students who play neither cricket nor badminton: ",len(list4)) def nCnF(): list4 = diff(Uni,union(cricket,foot)) print("Students who play neither cricket nor football: ",len(list4)) def nFnB(): list4 = diff(Uni,union(foot,bad)) print("Students who play neither football nor badminton: ",len(list4)) def pCpF(): list4 = intersection(cricket,foot) list5 = diff(list4,bad) print("People who play cricket and football but not badminton: ", len(list5)) def pCpB(): list4 = intersection(cricket,bad) list5 = diff(list4,foot) print("People who play cricket and badminton but not football: ",len(list5)) def pBpF(): list4 = intersection(foot,bad) list5 = diff(list4,cricket) print("People who play badminton and football but not cricket: ",len(list5)) flag = 1 while flag == 1: print("1. List of students who play both cricket and badminton: ") print("2. List of students who play either cricket or badminton but not football: ") print("3. Number of students who play neither cricket not badminton: ") print("4. Number of students who play cricket and football but not badmitnon: ") print("5. Exit") ch = int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if(ch == 1): CB() elif(ch == 2): eCeB() elif(ch == 3): nCnB() elif(ch == 4): pCpF() else: flag = 0