NoOfStudents = int(input("Enter number of students: ")) list1 = [] list2 = [] for i in range(0,NoOfStudents): n = float(input("Enter student percentage: ")) list2.append(n) for j in list2: if(j != -1): list1.append(j) def avg(): sum1 = 0 for i in list1: sum1 = sum1 + i avg = sum1/NoOfStudents print("Sum is: ",sum1) print("Average is: ",avg) def largest(): largest = None for i in list1: if(largest==None or largesti): smallest = i print("The lowest marks is: ",smallest) def absent(): abs = 0 for j in list2: if(j == -1): abs = abs + 1 print("Number of absent students are: ",abs) def frequency(): temp = 0 for i in list1: max1 = 0 for j in range(0,len(list1)): if(i == list1[j]): max1 = max1 + 1 else: continue if(max1>temp): temp = max1 k = i else: continue print("Marks with highest frequency is: ",k) print("Frequency of the number is: ",temp) flag = 1 while flag == 1: print("\nThe options are: ") print("1. Total and average marks are: ") print("2. Highest marks among the students: ") print("3. Lowest marks among the students: ") print("4. Number of absent students: ") print("5. Marks with highest frequency is: ") print("6. Exit") ch = int(input("Enter choice: ")) if(ch == 1): avg() elif(ch == 2): largest() elif(ch == 3): smallest() elif(ch == 4): absent() elif(ch == 5): frequency() elif(ch == 6): flag = 0 elif(ch>6 or ch<1): print("Enter valid choice")