MathematicsThree/Notes/Unit 1
2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
0-M3 - Unit 1 Notes (Chapter 1).pdf Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
A - 14 Feb 2024 Smartboard Notes (Shortcut method).pdf Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
B - 15 Feb 2024 Smartboard Notes (Shortcut method).pdf Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
Extra Notes - Unit 1 (Variation of parameter, Couchy, Legendre, Symmetrical) (by Sonali ma'am).pdf Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
MCQ's on UNIT 1.pdf Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30
Shortcut methods of P.I.jpeg Added assignments, notes, question papers (pyqs), tutorial solutions and files such as DISCLAMER and commit logs for old main branch. Updated README. 2024-06-08 12:58:30 +05:30