# How to import database in MySQL This is a guide for importing a database in MySQL using the terminal. ## Prerequisites - Have MySQL installed on your machine ## Guide 1. Download the database file from this repository. These database files have `.sql` extension and can be found in the Assignment folders within the [Practical folder](https://git.kska.io/DatabaseManagementSystems/src/branch/main/Practical/). 2. After downloading the file, locate it in the `Files` app. The downloaded file will mostly likely be preset in the _Downloads_ folder. 3. Right click in a empty space in the `Files` app window, and click on `Open in Terminal` (or something along those lines). 4. Now, start `mysql` ```shell sudo mysql -u root -p ``` 5. Create an empty database & exit: ```sql CREATE DATABASE database_name; exit ``` > `database_name` is the name of your database in which all the tables, data, etc. will be imported. 6. Lastly, import the database from `database.sql` file: ```shell sudo mysql -u root -p database_name < database.sql ``` ## Example Let's consider I want to import the database for Assignment-A2. The database file is present in [Practical/Assignment-A2](https://git.kska.io/DatabaseManagementSystems/src/branch/main/Practical/Assignment-A2) folder. 1. First download the [Database_A2.sql](https://git.kska.io/DatabaseManagementSystems/src/branch/main/Practical/Assignment-A2/Database_A2.sql) file. 2. Locate the file in `Files` app, mostly likely present in the _Downloads_ folder. 3. Right click in an empty space in the **Files** app window and click **Open in Terminal**. 4. Start mysql: `sudo mysql -u root -p` 5. Create an empty database: `CREATE DATABASE Database_A2` 6. Exit from mysql: `exit` 7. Lastly, import the file: `sudo mysql -u root -p Database_A2 < Database_A2.sql` 8. That's it! Your database has been imported in MySQL. ---