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# IoT Mini Project - 2024
This mini project uses picamera to detect motion, upon detecting motion, it sends notification to devices subscribed to the channel using ntfy.sh
## Prerequisites:
1. Raspberry Pi (only tested on 3B+, should work on 2/4/5 as well)
2. Pi Camera
3. Internet connection
4. Raspberry Pi OS **64-bit**
## Steps to setup
1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://git.kska.io/notkshitij/iot-mini.git
2. Change current working directory:
cd ./iot-mini
3. Run `setup.sh`:
4. Setup firewall on Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt install -y ufw
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow 22 # for ssh
sudo ufw allow 80 # for ntfy
sudo ufw allow 51821/tcp # wireguard tcp
sudo ufw allow 51820/udp # wireguard udp
sudo ufw status numbered
sudo ufw enable
sudo systemctl start ufw
sudo systemctl enable ufw
5. Setup Wireguard:
- Generate bcrypt password hash by running:
docker run -it ghcr.io/wg-easy/wg-easy wgpw '<PASSWORD_HERE>'
This will return a `PASSWORD_HASH`. For addition information, checkout their [guide](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy).
- Create a file in the current directory called `.env`
- Add the following values in `.env` file:
PASS='<PASSWORD_HASH generated here>'
# Inside single quotations, paste the password hash for PASS variable
# Get your public IP by using something like http://ip.me, and paste your public IP there
8. Create and run the containers:
docker compose up -d
9. Check if ntfy.sh is setup correctly:
- Visit `<RASPBERRYPI-IP>:80` from a browser. Make sure Raspberry Pi and the other device are on the same network. On Raspberry Pi, you can visit `localhost:8080`
- If you see a dashboard, it implies Docker and ntfy.sh were setup correctly.
10. In ntfy.sh dashboard, in the left menu at the bottom, click on `Subscribe to topic`, and specify the topic name: `motion-sensing`
11. Lastly, run the `main.py` file to view motion detection window on screen and send notifications on detecting motion:
python3 main.py
> [!NOTE]
> Make sure you're in the directory where you cloned this repo while running all these commands.