This repository houses comprehensive solutions for assignments in Humanity and Social Science (HSS), covering topics such as orphanage visits, tree plantation initiatives, and waste management strategies. HSS is a part if second year computer engineering (SEM-3) curriculum at SPPU.


  1. Orphanage visit
  2. Tree plantation
  3. Waste management


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-> Keywords:

SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Second Year, SE, Semester 3, SEM-3, Syllabus, Humanity and Social Science, HSS, content, solutions, answers, references, write-ups, assignments,

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This repository houses comprehensive solutions for assignments in Humanity and Social Science (HSS), covering topics such as orphanage visits, tree plantation initiatives, and waste management strategies. HSS is a part if second year computer engineering (SEM-3) curriculum at SPPU.
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