2025-01-06 19:20:42 +05:30
2025-01-06 19:20:42 +05:30

Microprocessor (MP)

Microprocessor, a comprehensive Git repository tailored for SPPU Computer Engineering students. Dive deep into the 80386 DX processor, mastering assembly language programming, debugging, and testing techniques. Access notes, assignments, question papers, and a wide range of resources to strengthen your grasp on advanced processor systems.



Checkout testing branch for rest of the codes.

Steps to run these codes:

  1. Assemble the code (using NASM (Netwide Assembler), MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) or TASM (Turbo Assembler)):

    nasm -f elf64 yourProgram.asm -o yourProgram.o
  2. Link the object file (using ld on Linux or link on Windows):

    ld -o yourProgram yourProgram.o
  3. Run the executable:


    For Windows: .\yourProgram


  1. Unit 1 - 80386DX- Basic Programming Model and Applications Instruction Set
  2. Unit 2 - Systems Architecture and Memory Management
  3. Unit 3 - Protection and Multitasking
  4. Unit 4 - Input-Output, Exceptions and Interrupts
  5. Unit 5 - Initialization of 80386DX, Debugging and Virtual 8086 Mode
  6. Unit 6 - 80387 Coprocessor and Introduction


  1. Assignment 1 - Display accepted numbers
  2. Assignment 2 - String length calculation
  3. Assignment 3 - Find the largest of given number
  4. Assignment 4 - Arithmatic operations
  5. Assignment 5 - Count number of positive and negative numbers
  6. Assignment 6 - Switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers
  7. Assignment 7 - Non-overlapping block data transfer
  8. Assignment 8 - Overlapping block data transfer
  9. Assignment 9 - Analyze the difference between near and far procedure to find number of lines, blank spaces & occurance of character
  10. Assignment 10 - Study assignment
  11. Assignment Addition
  12. Assignment Factorial

Question Papers

All question papers are based on 2019 pattern.

Question Banks


-> Disclaimer: Please read the DISCLAIMER file for important information regarding the contents of this repository.

-> Note: All the codes, handout solutions, printable codes & outputs, question papers and some notes have been provided by us, i.e. our contributors. You are free to use this content however you want, without any restrictions. Content such as lab handouts, notes and question banks have been provided by our professors, thus to use them for anything other than educational purposes, please contact them.

-> Maintained by:

-> Repository icon from Icons8.

-> Keywords:

SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Second Year, SE, Semester 4, SEM-4, Syllabus, Microprocessor, MP, content, notes, write-ups, assignments, previous years' question papers, question banks,

Previous main branch has been pruned. Click here to view old commits.

Microprocessor, a comprehensive Git repository tailored for SPPU Computer Engineering students. Dive deep into the 80386 DX processor, mastering assembly language programming, debugging, and testing techniques. Access notes, assignments, question papers, and a wide range of resources to strengthen your grasp on advanced processor systems.
Readme 39 MiB
Assembly 100%