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K 2024-06-10 11:34:28 +05:30
parent 6a5ab32683
commit 757d1dc81c
Signed by: notkshitij
GPG Key ID: C5B8BC7530F8F43F
55 changed files with 2 additions and 1794 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1 ; Standard output
mov rdi,1 ; Input write
mov rsi,%1 ; Display message address
mov rdx,%2 ; Message length
syscall ; Interrupt for kernel in 64-bit
section .data
m1 db 10,"ALP to count positive and negative numbers from an array",10
l1 equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"The count of positive numbers is:",10
l2 equ $-m2
m3 db 10,"The count of negative numbers is:",10
l3 equ $-m3
;array dw 8132h,6879h,711Ah,3567h,4567h
;array dd 81328132h,12346879h,6735711Ah,34563567h,67894567h
array dq 81328132ABCDh,12346879AAAAh,6735711AFFFFh,34563567EEEEh,67894567DEFAh
newline db 10
pcnt db 00
ncnt db 00
section .bss
displaybuffer resb 2
section .text
global _start:
print m1,l1
mov rsi,array
mov rcx,05
bt qword [rsi],63 ; Check the most significant bit for negativity
jnc pnxt ; If not negative, jump to pnxt
inc byte[ncnt] ; Increment negative count
jmp pskip ; Jump to pskip
pnxt: inc byte[pcnt] ; Increment positive count
pskip: add rsi,8 ; Move to next 8 bytes
loop up ; Loop until rcx becomes zero
print m2,l2
mov bl,[pcnt]
call display
print newline,1
print m3,l3
mov bl,[ncnt]
call display
print newline,1
mov rax,60
mov rdi,displaybuffer ; Destination for displaying
mov rcx,02 ; Display 2 characters
rol bl,04 ; Rotate left by 4 bits
mov dl,bl ; Move contents of bl to dl
and dl,0fh ; Mask out upper bits
add dl,30h ; Convert to ASCII
cmp dl,39h ; Compare if greater than '9'
jbe skip ; Jump if below or equal
add dl,07h ; Adjust for letters
mov [rdi],dl ; Store the character
inc rdi ; Move to next position
loop dloop ; Loop until rcx becomes zero
print displaybuffer,2 ; Print the display buffer

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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers also identify CPU type using CPUID instruction.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
section .data
rmodemsg db 10,'Processor is in REAL MODE.',
rmsg_len:equ $-rmodemsg
pmodemsg db 10,'Processor is in PROTECTED MODE.'
pmsg_len:equ $-pmodemsg
gdtmsg db 10,'GDT Contents are: '
gmsg_len:equ $-gdtmsg
ldtmsg db 10,'LDT Contents are: '
lmsg_len:equ $-ldtmsg
idtmsg db 10,'IDT Contents are: '
imsg_len:equ $-idtmsg
trmsg db 10,'Task Register Contents are: '
tmsg_len: equ $-trmsg
mswmsg db 10,'Machine Status Word: '
mmsg_len:equ $-mswmsg
colmsg db ':'
nwline db 10
section .bss
gdt resd 1
resw 1
ldt resw 1
idt resd 1
resw 1
tr resw 1
cr0_data resd 1
dnum_buff resb 04
%macro print 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .text
global _start
smsw eax ;Reading CR0. As MSW is 32-bit cannot use RAX register.
mov [cr0_data],rax
bt rax,0 ;Checking PE bit, if 1=Protected Mode, else Real Mode
jc prmode
print rmodemsg,rmsg_len
jmp nxt1
prmode: print pmodemsg,pmsg_len
nxt1:sgdt [gdt]
sldt [ldt]
sidt [idt]
str [tr]
print gdtmsg,gmsg_len
mov bx,[gdt+4]
call print_num
mov bx,[gdt+2]
call print_num
print colmsg,1
mov bx,[gdt]
call print_num
print ldtmsg,lmsg_len
mov bx,[ldt]
call print_num
print idtmsg,imsg_len
mov bx,[idt+4]
call print_num
mov bx,[idt+2]
call print_num
print colmsg,1
mov bx,[idt]
call print_num
print trmsg,tmsg_len
mov bx,[tr]
call print_num
print mswmsg,mmsg_len
mov bx,[cr0_data+2]
call print_num
mov bx,[cr0_data]
call print_num
print nwline,1
exit: mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
mov rsi,dnum_buff ;point esi to buffer
mov rcx,04 ;load number of digits to printlay
rol bx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe skip1 ;if less than 39h skip adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [rsi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc rsi ;point to next byte
loop up1 ;decrement the count of digits to printlay
;if not zero jump to repeat
print dnum_buff,4 ;printlay the number from buffer

View File

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write x86 ALP to find the factorial of a given integer number on a command line by using recursion. Explicit stack manipulation is expected in the code.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro exitprog 0
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
%macro gtch 1
mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,1
section .data
nwline db 10
m0 db 10,13,"----- Program to calculate factorial of a given number -----",10,10
l0 equ $-m0
m2 db 10,"Enter a number (2 digit HEX no.): "
l2 equ $-m2
m4 db 10,"The factorial is: "
l4 equ $-m4
factorial dq 1
section .bss
no1 resq 1
input resb 1
output resb 1
section .text
global _start
print m0,l0
print m2,l2
call getnum
mov [no1],rax ;accept number
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key ;pressed
mov rcx,[no1]
call facto
mov rax,00
print m4,l4
mov rax,qword[factorial]
call disphx16 ;displays a 8 digit hex number ;in rax
push rcx
cmp rcx,01
jne ahead
jmp exit2
ahead: dec rcx
call facto
pop rcx
mov rax,rcx
mul qword[factorial]
mov qword[factorial],rax
;Procedure to get a 2 digit hex no from user
;number returned in rax
mov cx,0204h
mov rbx,0
push rcx
gtch input
pop rcx
mov rax,0
mov al,byte[input]
sub rax,30h
cmp rax,09h
jbe skip1
sub rax,7
shl rbx,cl
add rbx,rax
dec ch
jnz ll2
mov rax,rbx
disphx16: ;displays a 16 digit hex number
mov rbx,rax
mov cx,1004h ;16 digits to display and 04 count ; to rotate
rol rbx,cl
mov rdx,rbx
and rdx,0fh
add rdx,30h
cmp rdx,039h
jbe skip4
add rdx,7
mov byte[output],dl
push rcx
print output,1
pop rcx
dec ch
jnz ll6

View File

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write 80387 ALP to obtain: i) Mean ii) Variance iii) Standard Deviation. Define the input values in data segment.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .data
m0 db 10,"------ Program to calculate mean, variance, standard deviation -----", 10
l0:equ $-m0
m1 db 10,"Mean is: "
l1:equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"Variance is: "
l2:equ $-m2
m3 db 10,"Standard Deviation is: "
l3:equ $-m3
m4 db 10,"Values are: 102.59, 198.21, 100.67"
l4:equ $-m4
dpoint db "."
hdec dq 100
num1 dd 102.59
num2 dd 198.21
num3 dd 100.67
num4 dd 3.00
newline db 0xa
section .bss
dispbuff resb 1
resbuff resb 10 ;or we can also write resbuff rest 1
mean resd 1
variance resd 1
section .text
global _start
print m0,l0
print m4,l4
finit ;initialize coprocessor
fldz ;load stack top 0
;logic to calculate mean
fld dword[num1] ;first number on x387
fld dword[num2]
fadd st0,st1
fld dword[num3]
fadd st0,st1
fdiv dword[num4] ;st0=add/3=mean
fst dword[mean]
print m1,l1
call disp_result
print newline,01 ;newline
;logic to calculate variance
mov rsi,num1
call cal_diff_sqr
mov rsi,num2
call cal_diff_sqr
fadd st0,st1
mov rsi,num3
call cal_diff_sqr
fadd st0,st1
fdiv dword[num4] ;divide by cardinality
fst dword[variance]
print m2,l2
call disp_result
print newline,01 ;newline
;logic to calculate standard deviation
fld dword[variance]
print m3,l3
call disp_result
print newline,01 ;newline
mov rax,60
mov rdi,0
fimul dword[hdec]
fbstp [resbuff] ;store bcd and pop from top of the stack
xor rcx,rcx ;clear rcx register
mov rcx,09h
mov rsi,resbuff+9 ;rsi pointing to msb of resultant
push rcx
push rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp8_proc
print dispbuff,02
pop rsi
dec rsi
pop rcx
loop up1
print dpoint,01
mov bl,[resbuff]
call disp8_proc
print dispbuff,02
mov rdi,dispbuff
mov rcx,02
rol bl,04
mov dl,bl
and dl,0Fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe skip
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov [rdi],dl
inc rdi
loop back
fld dword[rsi]
fsub dword[mean]
fmul st0,st0

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@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write 80387 ALP to find the roots of the quadratic equation. All the possible cases must be considered in calculating the roots.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
section .data
msg1 db "Complex Root",10
msglen1 equ $-msg1
msg2 db "Root 1: "
msglen2 equ $-msg2
msg3 db 10, "Root 2: "
msglen3 equ $-msg3
a dd 1.00
b dd -6.00
c dd 8.00
four dd 4.00
two dd 2.00
hdec dq 100
point db "."
section .bss
root1 resd 1
root2 resd 1
resbuff rest 1
temp resb 2
disc resd 1
%macro write 2 ;macro for display
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro read 2 ;macro for input
mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro exit 0 ;macro for exit
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
section .text
global _start
finit ;initialise 80387 co-processor
fld dword[b] ;stack: b
fmul dword[b] ;stack: b*b
fld dword[a] ;stack: a, b*b
fmul dword[c] ;stack: a*c, b*b
fmul dword[four] ;stack: 4*a*c,b*b
fsub ;stack: b*b - 4*a*c
ftst ;compares ST0 and 0
jb no_real_solutions
fsqrt ;stack: sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fst dword[disc] ;store disc= sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fsub dword[b] ;stack: disc-b
fdiv dword[a] ;stack: disc-b/2*a or (-b+disc)/2a
fdiv dword[two]
write msg2,msglen2
call disp_proc
fldz ;stack:0
fsub dword[disc] ;stack:-disc
fsub dword[b] ;stack: -disc - b
fdiv dword[a] ;stack: (-b - disc)/(2*a)
fdiv dword[two]
write msg3,msglen3
call disp_proc
jmp exi
write msg1,msglen1
exi :
mov rax,60
mov rdi,1
FIMUL dword[hdec]
FBSTP tword[resbuff]
mov rsi,resbuff+9
mov rcx,09
push rcx
push rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
pop rsi
pop rcx
dec rsi
loop next1
push rsi
write point,1
pop rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
mov rdi,temp ;mov dnum address into edi
mov rcx,02 ;initialize ecx with 2
rol bl,4 ;rotate bl by 4 bits
mov dl,bl ;move bl into dl
and dl,0fh ;and of dl with 0fh
add dl,30h ;add 30h into dl
cmp dl,39h ;compare dl with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;jump if below and equal to dispskip1
add dl,07h ;add 7h into dl
mov [rdi],dl ;mov dl into dnum
inc rdi ;increament edi by a byte
loop dispup1 ;loop dispup1 while ecx not zero
write temp,2 ;Display dnum by calling macro
ret ;return from procedure

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped block transfer (WITH string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1 ; Standard output
mov rdi,1 ; Input write
mov rsi,%1 ; Display message address
mov rdx,%2 ; Message length
syscall ; Interrupt for kernel in 64-bit
section .data
msg db 10, 'Block contents before transfer',10,13 ; Initializing the display message
msglen equ $-msg ; Length of the message
msg2 db 10, 'Block contents after transfer',10,13 ; Initializing the display message
msg2len equ $-msg2 ; Length of the message
msg3 db 10,13, 'Source block'
msg3len equ $-msg3
msg4 db 10,13, 'Destination block'
msg4len equ $-msg4
space db ' ' ; Space between the variables to be displayed
spacelen equ $-space ; Initializing length of space
srcblk db 10h,20h,30h,40h,50h ; Contents of the src block
destblk db 0,0,0,0,0 ; Initial contents of dest block
cnt equ 5 ; Count is equal to 5 as 5 variables declared
section .bss ; Storing the array of data/reserving space for the data
ans resb 4 ; Reserve buffer ans of 4-bytes(8-bits each)
;destblk resb 5 ; Reserve buffer destblk of 5-bytes
section .text
global _start ; Starting of the main program
print msg,msglen ; Displaying the msg1
mov rsi,srcblk ; Move contents of source blk to rsi
call disp_block ; Calling procedure disp_block
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov rcx,05h ; Move 05h into rcx register
mov rsi,srcblk ; Move contents of src block into rsi
mov rdi,destblk ; Move contents of dest blok into rdi
rep movsb ; Repeat move string byte
print msg2,msg2len ; Displaying the msg2
mov rsi,destblk ; Move contents of destblk into rsi
call disp_block ; Calling procedure disp_block
mov rax,60 ; Exit system call
xor rdi,rdi ; Clearing rdi (by using xor) so that we get 0 in destblk
syscall ; Interrupt for kernel in 64-bit
disp_block: ; Procedure disp_block
mov rbp,cnt ; Base pointers
mov al,[rsi] ; Move contents of rsi to al
push rsi ; Push contents of rsi
call disp_8 ; Calling the disp_8 procedure
print space,1 ; Intialize one byte for space
pop rsi ; Pop contents of rsi
inc rsi ; Increment rsi by 1
dec rbp ; Decrement cnt through rbp
jnz back ; Jump to loop back if not zero
ret ; Return
disp_8: ; Procedure disp_8
mov rsi,ans+1 ; Move the contents of ans buffer into rsi
mov rcx,2 ; Move 2 into the rcx register
back1: ; Loop back1
mov rdx,0 ; Clear rdx
mov rbx,16 ; Move 16 into rbx register
div rbx ; Divide rax register by rbx register
cmp dl,09h ; Compare the contents of dl register with 09h
jbe add_30 ; If compared value is below (less) than add 30h
add dl ,07h ; Add 07h to dl register
add_30: ; add_30 label
add dl,30h ; Add 30h to the contents of dl register
mov[rsi],dl ; Move contents of dl into rsi
dec rsi ; Decrement rsi
dec rcx ; Decrement rcx
jnz back1 ; Jump if not zero to loop back1
print ans,2 ; Print the result
ret ; Return

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped block transfer (WITHOUT string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .data
m1 db 10,"Source block:",10,13
m1len equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"Destination block after transfer:",10,13
m2len equ $-m2
space db" "
spacelen equ $-space
srcblk db 10h,20h,30h,40h,50h
count equ 05h
section .bss
ans resb 4
dstblk resb 5
section .text
global _start
print m1,m1len
mov rsi,srcblk
call disp_block
print m2,m2len
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rdi,dstblk
mov rcx,05
s1: mov al,[rsi]
mov [rdi],al
inc rsi
inc rdi
loop s1
mov rsi,dstblk
call disp_block
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
mov rbp,count
back:mov al,[rsi]
push rsi
call disp_8
print space,1
pop rsi
inc rsi
dec rbp
jnz back
disp_8:mov rsi,ans
mov bl,al
mov dl,bl
rol dl,04
and dl,0fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe add30
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
inc rsi
mov dl,bl
and dl,0fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe add130
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
print ans,2

View File

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform overlapped block transfer (WITH string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .data
msg1 db 10,"src blk",10,13 ; Initializing the display message
msg1len equ $-msg1 ; Initializing the length of message
msg2 db 10,"dest blk",10,13
msg2len equ $-msg2
srcblk db 10h,20h,30h,40h,50h ; Storing variables in source block
cnt equ 05h ; Count is equal to 5 as 5 variables declared
space db " " ; Space between the variables to be displayed
spacelen equ $-space ; Initializing length of space
section .bss ; Storing the array of data/reserving space for the data
ans resb 4 ; Reserve buffer ans of 4-bytes(8-bits each)
destblk resb 5 ; Reserve buffer destblk of 5-bytes
section .text
global _start ; Starting of the main program
print msg1,msg1len ; Displaying the msg1
mov rsi,srcblk ; Move contents of source blk to rsi
call disp_block ; Calling procedure disp_block
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov rcx,02h ; Move 02h into rcx register
mov rsi,srcblk ; Move contents of the source blk to the rsi
mov rdi,destblk ; Shift 2 positions in the source blk and move the contents into rdi
rep movsb ; Repeat move string byte
mov rcx,03h ; Move 02h into rcx register
mov rsi,srcblk ; Move contents of the source blk to the rsi
mov rdi,destblk+2
rep movsb
print msg2,msg2len ; Displaying the msg2
mov rsi,destblk ; Move contents of destblk into rsi
call disp_block ; Calling procedure disp_block
mov rax,60 ; Exit system call
xor rdi,rdi ; Clearing rdi (by using xor) so that we get 0 in destblk
syscall ; Interrupt for kernel in 64-bit
disp_block: ; Procedure disp_block
mov rbp,cnt ; Base pointers
mov al,[rsi] ; Move contents of rsi to al
push rsi ; Push contents of rsi
call disp_8 ; Calling the disp_8 procedure
print space,1 ; Initialize one byte for space
pop rsi ; Pop contents of rsi
inc rsi ; Increment rsi by 1
dec rbp ; Decrement cnt through rbp
jnz back ; Jump to loop back if not zero
ret ; Return
disp_8: ; Procedure disp_8
mov rsi,ans+1 ; Move the contents of ans buffer into rsi
mov rcx,2 ; Move 2 into the rcx register
back1: ; Loop back1
mov rdx,0 ; Clear rdx
mov rbx,16 ; Move 16 into rbx register
div rbx ; Divide rax register by rbx register
cmp dl,09h ; Compare the contents of dl register with 09h
jbe add_30 ; If compared value is below (less) than add 30h
add dl ,07h ; Add 07h to dl register
add_30: ; Add_30 label
add dl,30h ; Add 30h to the contents of dl register
mov[rsi],dl ; Move contents of dl into rsi
dec rsi ; Decrement rsi
dec rcx ; Decrement rcx
jnz back1 ; Jump if not zero to loop back1
print ans,2 ; Print the result

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform overlapped block transfer (WITHOUT string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2 ; Defined macro for printing messages 2 stand for the parameters
mov rax,1 ; For system write specifier
mov rdi,1 ; Standard output
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .data
m1 db 10,"source block",10,13 ; 10 stands for new line and 13 stands for tab
m1len equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"destination block after transfer:",10,13
m2len equ $-m2
space db " "
spacelen equ $-space
srcblk db 10h,20h,30h,40h,50h ; srcblk defined for the functioning
count equ 05h ; count initialized to 5
section .bss
ans resb 4 ; ans block is defined for storing the transformed value of the numbers from hexa to ascii
dstblk resb 5 ; dstblk is our destination block
section .text ; This section is necessary for assembler understanding
global _start
print m1,m1len
mov rsi,srcblk ; rsi now points to the first location of the source block
call disp_block ; Calling the procedure for displaying the source block
print m2,m2len
mov rsi,srcblk ; Now the rsi points to the source block
mov rdi,dstblk ; Now the destination pointer points to the first memory location of the destination block
mov rcx,02 ; rcx is the register used for the counter purpose
s1: mov al,[rsi]
mov [rdi],al
inc rsi
inc rdi
loop s1
mov rsi,srcblk
mov rcx,03
s2: mov al,[rsi]
mov [rdi],al
inc rsi
inc rdi
loop s2
mov rsi,dstblk
call disp_block
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
mov rbp,count
mov al,[rsi]
push rsi
call disp_8
print space,1
pop rsi
inc rsi
dec rbp
jnz back
mov rsi,ans
mov bl,al
mov dl,bl
rol dl,04
and dl,0fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe add30
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
inc rsi
mov dl,bl
and dl,0fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe add130
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov [rsi],dl
print ans,2

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers. Using successive addition method. (Use of 64-bit registers is expected).
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro print 2
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro accept 2
mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
section .data
m1 db 10,"----- Multiplication using successive addition -----",10,13
l1 equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"Enter the multiplicand",10,13
l2 equ $-m2
m3 db 10,"Enter the multiplier",10,13
l3 equ $-m3
res db 10,"Multiplication of the numbers is::",10,13
rlen equ $-res
section .bss
numascii resb 03
mplier resq 02
mcand resq 02
;result resq 01
dispbuff resb 04
section .txt
global _start:
print m1,l1
print m2,l2
accept numascii,3
call packnum
mov byte[mcand],bl
print m3,l3
accept numascii,3
call packnum
mov byte[mplier],bl
print res,rlen
mov rax,0
cmp qword[mplier],0
jz ll5
add rax,qword[mcand]
dec qword[mplier]
jnz ll1
call dispnum
mov rax,60
mov rbx,00
mov rbx,rax
mov rcx,04
mov rdi,dispbuff
rol bx,4
mov al,bl
and al,0fh
cmp al,09
jbe dskip
add al,07h
add al,30h
mov [rdi],al
inc rdi
loop up2
print dispbuff,4
mov bl,0
mov rcx,2
mov rsi,numascii
rol bl,04
mov al,[rsi]
cmp al,39h
jbe skip1
sub al,07h
sub al,30h
add bl,al
inc rsi
loop up1

View File

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
; Problem Statement: Write X86/64 ALP to perform multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers. Using add and shift method. (Use of 64-bit registers is expected).
; Code from Microprocessor (SPPU - Second Year - Computer Engineering - Content) repository on KSKA Git:
%macro dispmsg 2 ;macro for display
mov rax,1 ;standard ouput
mov rdi,1 ;system for write
mov rsi,%1 ;display message address
mov rdx,%2 ;display message length
syscall ;interrupt for 64-bit
%endmacro ;close macro
%macro exitprog 0 ;macro for exit
mov rax,60 ;system for exit
mov rdx,0
syscall ;interrupt for 64-bit
%endmacro ;close macro
%macro gtch 1 ;macro for accept
mov rax,0 ;standard input
mov rdi,0 ;system for read
mov rsi,%1 ;input the message
mov rdx,1 ;message length
syscall ;interrupt for 64-bit
%endmacro ;close macro
section .data
nwline db 10
m0 db 10,10,"Program to multiply two numbers using successive addition and add-and-shift method"
l0 equ $-m0
m1 db 10,"1. Add-and-Shift method",10,"2. Exit",10,10, "Choose an option (1/2 <ENTER>): "
l1 equ $-m1
m2 db 10,"Enter multiplicand (2 digit HEX no): "
l2 equ $-m2
m3 db 10,"Enter multiplier (2 digit HEX no): "
l3 equ $-m3
m4 db 10,"Multiplication is: "
l4 equ $-m4
section .bss
mcand resq 1 ;reserve 1 quad for multiplicand
mplier resq 1 ;reserve 1 quad for multiplier
input resb 1 ;reserve 1 byte for input
output resb 1 ;reserve 1 byte for output
choice resb 1 ;reserve 1 byte for choice
section .text
global _start ;starting of main program
_start :
dispmsg m0,l0 ;displaying the menu
dispmsg m1,l1 ;displaying the first message
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key pressed.
mov al, byte[input] ;get choice
mov byte[choice],al
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key pressed.
mov al, byte[choice]
cmp al, '1' ;compare contents of al with 1
je shft_add ;if equal the jump to succ_add procedure
cmp al, '2' ;compare the contents of al with 3
jnz back ;if not zero then jump to back
exitprog ;exit program
;-------- ADD & SHIFT ---------
shft_add: ;shft_add procedure
dispmsg m2,l2 ;Displaying the second message
call getnum ;call getnum procedure
mov [mcand],rax ;mov contents of rax(multiplicand) into mcand buffer
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key pressed
dispmsg m3,l3 ;Displaying the third message
call getnum ;call getnum procedure
mov [mplier],rax ;mov contents of rax(multiplier) into mplier buffer
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key pressed
mov rax,0 ;clearing the rax register
dispmsg m4,l4 ;displaying the fourth message
mov rax,0 ;clearing the rax register
mov rcx,8 ;taking count of 8 in rcx register
mov dl,[mplier] ;multiplier is 8 bits so it occupies dl
mov bl,[mcand] ;mupltiplicand is 8 bits so it occupies bl
;we will put Q in higher 8 bits of ax (i.e. ah)
;and multipler in lower 8 bits of ax (i.e. al)
mov ah,0 ;clearing ah register
mov al,dl ;ah already 0 and al now contains multiplier
ll3: ;loop 3 (s3)
mov dh,al ;mov contents of al into dh as dh is used as temporary
and dh,1 ;check d0 bit of multiplier
jz ll8 ;if d0 bit was zero, Z flag will be set (s2)(if zero jmp to loop 8)
add ah, bl ;d0 bit of multiplier is set
;so add multiplicand to Q(add bl into ah)
ll8: ;loop 8 (s2)
shr ax,1 ;shift both Q (ah) and muplitiplier (al) right 1 bit
dec rcx ;decrement contents of rcx
jnz ll3 ;if not zero then jump to loop 3 (s3)
call disphx16 ;call procedure disphx16
jmp back ;jump to back
getnum: ;procedure to get a 2 digit hex no from user
; number returned in rax
mov cx,0204h ;02 digits to display and 04 count to rotate
mov rbx,0 ;clearing rbx register
ll2: ;loop 2
push rcx ;syscall destroys rcx.Rest all regs are preserved
gtch input ;to read and discard ENTER key pressed
pop rcx ;pop the contents of rcx
mov rax,0 ;clearing the contents of rax
mov al,byte[input] ;get choice
sub rax,30h ;subtract 30h from contents of rax
cmp rax,09h ;compare the contents of rax register with 09h
jbe skip1 ;if equal then jump below to skip1 label
sub rax,7 ;subtract 7 from contents of rax register
skip1: ;skip1 label
shl rbx,cl ;shift multiplicand and count to the left
add rbx,rax ;add contents of rax register to the contents of rbx register
dec ch ;decrement the contents of ch register
jnz ll2 ;if not zero then jump to loop 2
mov rax,rbx ;mov contents of rbx register into rax register
ret ;return
disphx16: ;Displays a 16 digit hex number passed in rax
mov rbx,rax ;move contents of rax register into rbx register
mov cx,1004h ;16 digits to display and 04 count to rotate
ll6: ;loop 6
rol rbx,cl ;rotate multiplicand and count to the left
mov rdx,rbx ;mov contents of rbx register into rdx register
and rdx,0fh ;anding contents of rdx register with 0fh
add rdx,30h ;adding contents of rdx register with 30h
cmp rdx,039h ;comparing the contents of rdx register with 39h
jbe skip4 ;if equal then jump below to skip4 label
add rdx,7 ;add 7 to the contents of rdx register
skip4: ;skip4 label
mov byte[output],dl ;mov contents of dl register into output buffer in bytes
push rcx ;push the contents of rcx register
dispmsg output,1 ;displaying the output
pop rcx ;pop the contents of rcx
dec ch ;decrement the count(contents of ch)
jnz ll6 ;if not zero the jump to loop 6
ret ;return

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
There are some codes that haven't been tested yet available in the [testing branch](, check it out, you might find 'em!

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Disclaimer for [Microprocessor]( repository under [sppu-se-comp-content]( organization.
- Please be advised that this repository ([Microprocessor](, its organization ([sppu-se-comp-content](, and all of its content are entirely independent and not associated to, and/or affiliated with SPPU (Savitrbai Phule Pune University, Pune) and/or any of its colleges, nor with [KSKA Git]( The materials provided within, including assignments from our contributors and notes from our professors, are solely for educational purposes and convenience.
- KSKA Git serves merely as a platform for this content and does not imply any association and/or endorsement from SPPU or KSKA Git. It is important to recognize that the organization (sppu-se-comp-content) and all of its repositories in KSKA Git operates independently, and any references to educational institutions or platforms are purely for informational clarity.
- Furthermore, it is emphasized that the content available within this repository remains meticulously curated to align with the latest 2019 SPPU syllabus for computer engineering. Our commitment to accuracy ensures that the materials provided reflect the current academic standards prescribed by SPPU, offering students a reliable resource to supplement their studies.

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#### NOTE: These pdf files contain printable version of codes with outputs. The assignment number matches with the assignments in [Handouts folder](
> All the pdfs in this folder have been optimized to ensure it takes up least pages.
##### You can find the codes in [Codes folder](

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
# Microprocessor (MP)
Microprocessor, a comprehensive Git repository tailored for SPPU Computer Engineering students. Dive deep into the 80386 DX processor, mastering assembly language programming, debugging, and testing techniques. Access notes, assignments, question papers, and a wide range of resources to strengthen your grasp on advanced processor systems.
## Index
### Codes
- [Practical 1 - Count number of positive and negative numbers from the array](
- Practical 3 - Non-overlapped block transfer:
- [Practical 3.1 - Non-overlapped block transfer (WITH string specific instructions)](
- [Practical 3.2 - Non-overlapped block transfer (WITHOUT string specific instructions)](
- Practical 4 - Overlapped block transfer:
- [Practical 4.1 - Overlapped block transfer (WITH string specific instructions)](
- [Practical 4.2 - Overlapped block transfer (WITHOUT string specific instructions)](
- Practical 5 - Multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers:
- [Practical 5.1 - Multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers (successive addition method)](
- [Practical 5.2 - Multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers (add and shift method)](
- [Practical-10 - Switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers. Identify CPU type using CPUID instruction.](
- [Practical-11 - Factorial of a given integer number with explicit stack manipulation](
- [Practical-12 - Obtain: i) Mean ii) Variance iii) Standard Deviation. Define the input values in data segment](
- [Practical-13 - Find the roots of the quadratic equation](
> Checkout [testing branch]( for rest of the codes.
#### Steps to run these codes:
1. Assemble the code (using NASM (Netwide Assembler), MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) or TASM (Turbo Assembler)):
nasm -f elf64 yourProgram.asm -o yourProgram.o
2. Link the object file (using `ld` on Linux or `link` on Windows):
ld -o yourProgram yourProgram.o
3. Run the executable:
> For Windows: `.\yourProgram`
### Notes
- [END-SEM Notes](
1. [Unit 1 - 80386DX- Basic Programming Model and Applications Instruction Set](
2. [Unit 2 - Systems Architecture and Memory Management](
3. [Unit 3 - Protection and Multitasking](
4. [Unit 4 - Input-Output, Exceptions and Interrupts](
5. [Unit 5 - Initialization of 80386DX, Debugging and Virtual 8086 Mode](
6. [Unit 6 - 80387 Coprocessor and Introduction](
### Handouts
- [Solutions for all 10 assignments.](
1. [Assignment 1 - Display accepted numbers](
2. [Assignment 2 - String length calculation](
3. [Assignment 3 - Find the largest of given number](
4. [Assignment 4 - Arithmatic operations](
5. [Assignment 5 - Count number of positive and negative numbers](
- [Print code & output](
6. [Assignment 6 - Switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers](
- [Print code & output](
7. [Assignment 7 - Non-overlapping block data transfer](
- [Print code & output](
8. [Assignment 8 - Overlapping block data transfer](
- [Print code & output](
9. [Assignment 9 - Analyze the difference between near and far procedure to find number of lines, blank spaces & occurance of character](
10. [Assignment 10 - Study assignment](
11. [Assignment Addition](
12. [Assignment Factorial](
- [Print code & output](
### Question Papers
> All question papers are based on 2019 pattern.
- [IN-SEM](
- [END-SEM](
### Question Banks
- [Unit 1 and Unit 2](
- [Unit 3 to Unit 6](
- [Oral (Viva) Examination Question Bank (from sir)](
## Miscellaneous
**-> Disclaimer:** Please read the [DISCLAIMER]( file for important information regarding the contents of this repository.
**-> Note:** All the codes, handout solutions, printable codes & outputs, question papers and some notes have been provided by us, i.e. our contributors. You are free to use this content however you want, without any restrictions. Content such as lab handouts, notes and question banks have been provided by our professors, thus to use them for anything other than education purposes, please contact them.
**-> Maintained by:**
- [TanmaySpamzzz](
- [notkshitij](
**->** Repository icon from [Icons8](
**-> Keywords:**
SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Second Year, SE, Semester 4, SEM-4, Syllabus, Microprocessor, MP, content, notes, write-ups, assignments, previous years' question papers, question banks,
Previous main branch has been pruned. [Click here to view old commits](

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@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
commit 17dc78c5c425639faf3be70be3e3c19a0d8d5adc
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue May 14 13:55:55 2024 +0530
added end sem notes
commit 776497e34b8ce19f117bd31b020eb48883313df1
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Thu May 2 00:19:03 2024 +0530
fixed readme
commit 4171fa1f7750f58684f03bad99306c227ac6e305
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Thu May 2 00:17:10 2024 +0530
added u6 notes
commit 21f5025b8755bfe5496f19799a24b319f95ca484
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Thu May 2 00:08:47 2024 +0530
added viva imp questions from sir
commit 1bad14a80d20d71dd4b615edfcacb7d1a10f12a9
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Apr 28 17:08:51 2024 +0530
added unit 4 and 5 ppts, updated readme
commit 74346ed32edcdd348646b75a606a428c0349c517
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Apr 22 14:03:54 2024 +0530
added important questions for unit 3 to 6 and updated README file
commit 5933ac1ea1b60582823e180b57a66404549b00c7
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Apr 22 09:53:59 2024 +0530
Updated Readme
commit ab9f7d9f7c8148a86248c8ea56f1d41c112eacd3
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Apr 22 09:50:07 2024 +0530
fixed 5.1 ready to upload
commit c6c05dd71fcae95deb027ae4df3620beb2b76359
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Apr 21 11:17:49 2024 +0530
added factorial code and output, also cropped outputs in other printable codes and output to remove username and directory (unnecessary info)
commit 39457abb17c69d507e0a73ceaf33f9c0d66bb835
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Apr 21 00:56:01 2024 +0530
changed printable codes & outputs name, add .md in Write-ups README folder and updated main README
commit d9f2fae71946f465d6bfeabe563bca69f392cc3e
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Apr 21 00:51:06 2024 +0530
added printable version for codes with output for assignment 5,6,7,8 and added a readme file in the printable code and output folder
commit f362193ee58dde3e09ac670f9d38b4be7b173114
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Apr 21 00:14:39 2024 +0530
Moved handouts (lab manuals) from write-ups folder to handouts folder, updated readme and added note in the write-ups folder
commit 5b5a394347c4d0bce4f930631622bfdce476094e
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Apr 20 23:57:21 2024 +0530
merged practical-13 code from testing branch and updated readme
commit 3cebbf646d284937ac927b07a8a0dd97803ed933
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Apr 20 22:46:26 2024 +0530
merged practical-12 code from testing branch, fully functional. also updated readme
commit 8c18cfeeffb24bfad69009e1bb1c485606eb7fa4
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Apr 20 22:30:04 2024 +0530
merged practical-11 code from testing branch and updated readme
commit 51f6c045239ba2c1e802efd1575b055e3ffd8979
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Apr 20 22:19:56 2024 +0530
added fully functional Practical-10 code
commit 7e6a52da8051fe9f931576863ef5902f27973838
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Fri Apr 19 12:48:01 2024 +0530
merged Practical 5.2 code from testing branch, tested and fixed.
commit 628bdedb8e0fa7cb42d5d83805644d170932a669
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Fri Apr 19 11:52:20 2024 +0530
fixed write-up solutions link in readme
commit 1dad265a92058fbe361cd21bfcd968ae5632cfc7
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Fri Apr 19 11:50:00 2024 +0530
updated write-up solutions pdf and readme
commit fc1f9baab455dc730c654ef740b85e5df7a02545
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Wed Apr 17 14:04:46 2024 +0530
readme updated
commit 221a65c6f34b11836201826f7bdb1d026e6f9077
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Wed Apr 17 13:59:21 2024 +0530
all 10 assignments added
commit 7f4cdc21011e30fb508252390982a88cbd93f198
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Wed Apr 17 00:07:43 2024 +0530
changed file name that references the testing branch
commit 82ebaeb8f83161db2298facfb360f9d70913be9d
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Wed Apr 17 00:06:47 2024 +0530
added references to the testing branch
commit 27ce9c7f275210a3924e4648715b81c698d3c4b1
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 23:43:23 2024 +0530
forgot to add readme file in the last commit lol
commit 1c2829671bc68922052632d72dd615009ade58d4
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 23:42:02 2024 +0530
added 3.2 (non-overlapped without string specific instruction block transfer), 4.1 & 4.2 (overlapped block transfer) and updated readme file
commit daa924ef684b1fe62b5946bdb162c125cd24c451
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 13:29:20 2024 +0530
Added code for practical 1 and 3.1, plus updated readme
commit 75db27b6a25862d87ef25ee5db1e7759752c6db5
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 12:27:17 2024 +0530
fixed link for factorial write-up part 2
commit e152f88e38fcee8e1944fc628e9dd41999d50b77
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 12:26:09 2024 +0530
fixed link for factorial write-up
commit 171ffc667122c495dd03f7a36ae648baa153bd2c
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Tue Apr 16 12:24:41 2024 +0530
added write-ups and updated readme file
commit 8bc6f6650279e2a65ecfd1802f9e8eb9cc1bc4fe
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Fri Apr 12 10:26:23 2024 +0530
added u3 notes
commit 6dc72916ba907b0895c6a83be2ccd88d6fe7f557
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Mar 10 00:29:23 2024 +0530
fixed link in readme
commit 70587254ab508d88aecff578368424079df38cf2
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Mar 10 00:24:59 2024 +0530
added question banks for unit 1 and 2
commit b188e8011d19968210239c7954515a72f7f418fb
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Mar 4 21:26:02 2024 +0530
added code for assignment 8
commit 5d1e57a62decfdf3f6cd6fa0fb2e0dcea00e749d
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Feb 26 09:35:19 2024 +0530
updated README
commit 6501e8a3841cd16ec5f286c93122f7ab6facd628
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Feb 26 09:33:18 2024 +0530
added code for A5
commit 40c23cdfca96fdfcc2bb9295839db096ca7d43b9
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Wed Feb 21 02:25:23 2024 +0530
added unit 2 notes
commit 4a323c06a449c02c15f5b1344b149c08c033950d
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Fri Feb 16 16:51:45 2024 +0530
removed assignment-01
commit 76e6a414b110ddcfdfd024e579582745b291d171
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Feb 10 22:47:37 2024 +0530
readme updated
commit 720b550f5d1b9875a019d3b1d15dc861591534a6
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Feb 10 22:45:23 2024 +0530
unit 1 pdf's added
commit 3d4c0a5ed3264c44456d304b92b11efc87352053
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Feb 10 13:29:40 2024 +0530
Updated readme
commit dd882d8b20798ad7cc653cb442d68dfa97755dbe
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sat Feb 10 13:27:07 2024 +0530
Added assignment 01
commit fc48b3ac0f0a32969b66d416698fc7f8553643db
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Feb 5 00:59:30 2024 +0530
Added links for PYQs
commit bfb19b79d8174387ac467d1f62b00d14f170d26a
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Feb 5 00:57:56 2024 +0530
Added PYQs
commit 8818a373b5fe5a34fa2f818593ad7d197e4732d4
Author: Kshitij <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Sun Feb 4 20:12:23 2024 +0530
Added DISCLAIMER, LICENSE file, updated the README file, moved Unit 1 notes to notes folder
commit a6ed2610f8ac5c96b94389cef6f8a2c2cb0e326a
Author: TanmaySpamzzz <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:16:05 2024 +0530
commit 275194c744be835c03dc56b4c23e644a9902637c
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:10:06 2024 +0530
readme updated
commit 2177ad1fffa2ca1eae559ebf5d5e3b17293ca599
Author: TanmayMachkar <REDACTED_EMAIL>
Date: Mon Jan 29 19:09:03 2024 +0530
u1 added