Software Engineering (SE)
Software Engineering repository, tailored for Computer Engineering students following the SPPU 2019 pattern. This subject covers topics including principles of software development, analysis of requirements, design formulation, project estimation, planning, scheduling, risk management, software configuration management, and various software testing methodologies. Here, you will find curated notes, previous year question papers, question banks, and other necessary content to aid your understanding and preparation.
- Unit 1 - Introduction to Software Engineering and Software Process Models
- Unit 2 - Software Requirements Engineering and Analysis
Unit 3 to 5 notes were not provided.
Question Papers
All question papers based on 2019 pattern.
Assignment Solutions
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-> Note: Content such as assignment solutions and question papers is provided by us, i.e. our contributors. You are free to use this content however you want without any restrictions. Content such as notes are provided by our professors, thus to use them for anything other than educational purposes, please contact them.
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-> Keywords:
SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Second Year, SE, Semester 4, SEM-4, Syllabus, Software Engineering, content, notes, question papers, pyqs, question banks,
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