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M5 - Aggregation and Indexing
Problem Statement: Design and Develop MongoDB Queries using Aggregation operations: Create Employee collection by considering following Fields: i. Emp_id : Number ii. Name: Embedded Doc (FName, LName) iii. Company Name: String iv. Salary: Number v. Designation: String vi. Age: Number vii. Expertise: Array viii. DOB: String or Date ix. Email id: String x. Contact: String xi. Address: Array of Embedded Doc (PAddr, LAddr) Insert at least 5 documents in collection by considering above attribute and execute following:
- Using aggregation Return separates value in the Expertise array and return sum of each element of array.
- Using Aggregate method return Max and Min Salary for each company.
- Using Aggregate method find Employee with Total Salary for Each City with Designation="DBA".
- Using aggregation method Return separates value in the Expertise array for employee name where Swapnil Jadhav
- To Create Compound Indexes on Name: 1, Age: -1
- Create an Index on Emp_id field, compare the time require to search Emp_id before and after creating an index. (Hint Add at least 10000 Documents)
- Return a List of Indexes on created on employee Collection.
Creating database & collection:
use empDB3
Inserting data:
Name: {FName: "Ayush", LName: "Kalaskar"},
Company: "TCS",
Salary: 45000,
Designation: "Programmer",
Age: 24,
Expertise: ['Docker', 'Linux', 'Networking', 'Politics'],
DOB: new Date("1998-03-12"),
Email: "ayush.k@tcs.com",
Contact: 9972410427,
Address: [{PAddr: "Kokan, Maharashtra"}, {LAddr: "Lohegaon, Pune", Pin_code: 411014}]
Name: {FName: "Mehul", LName: "Patil"},
Company: "MEPA",
Salary: 55000,
Designation: "Tester",
Age: 20,
Expertise: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', 'Teaching'],
DOB: new Date("1964-06-22"),
Email: "mehul.p@mepa.com",
Contact: 9972410426,
Address: [{PAddr: "NDB, Maharashtra"}, {LAddr: "Camp, Pune", Pin_code: 411001}]
Name: {FName: "Himanshu", LName: "Patil"},
Company: "Infosys",
Salary: 85000,
Designation: "Developer",
Age: 67,
Expertise: ['Mongodb', 'Mysql', 'Cassandra', 'Farming'],
DOB: new Date("1957-04-28"),
Email: "himanshu.p@infosys.com",
Contact: 9972410425,
Address: [{PAddr: "NDB, Maharashtra"}, {LAddr: "Camp, Pune", Pin_code: 411001}]
Name: {FName: "Swapnil", LName: "Jadhav"},
Company: "Wayne Industries",
Salary: 95000,
Designation: "DBA",
Age: 75,
Expertise: ['Blockchain', 'Hashing', 'Encryption', 'Nerd'],
DOB: new Date("1949-12-28"),
Email: "swapnil.j@wayne.com",
Contact: 9972410427,
Address: [{PAddr: "Viman Nagar, Pune"}, {LAddr: "Viman Nagar, Pune", Pin_code: 411001}]
- Using aggregation Return separates value in the Expertise array and return sum of each element of array.
$unwind: "$Expertise"
$group: {
_id: "$Expertise",
count: { $sum: 1 }
- Using Aggregate method return Max and Min Salary for each company.
$group: {
_id: "$Company",
MIN: { $min: "$Salary" },
MAX: { $max: "$Salary" }
- Using Aggregate method find Employee with Total Salary for Each City with Designation="DBA".
$match: {
Designation: "DBA"
$group: {
_id: "$Address.PAddr",
Total: { $sum: "$Salary" }
- Using aggregation method Return separates value in the Expertise array for employee name where Swapnil Jadhav
$match: {
"Name.FName": "Swapnil",
"Name.LName": "Jadhav"
$unwind: "$Expertise"
$group: {
_id: "$Expertise"
- To Create Compound Indexes on Name: 1, Age: -1
db.Employee.createIndex({Name: 1, Age: -1})
- Create an Index on Emp_id field, compare the time require to search Emp_id before and after creating an index. (Hint Add at least 10000 Documents)
// Creating 10000 documents
for (let i=1; i<=10000; i++) {
Emp_id: i,
Name: `Employee ${i}`,
Designation: `Work ${i*5}`
// Wait for it to insert 10000 documents!
// Time without index
let startTime = new Date();
db.Employee.find( { Emp_id: 7500 } );
let endTime = new Date();
print("Time taken to search before index: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");
// Creating index on Emp_id
db.Employee.createIndex( { Emp_id: 1 } )
// Time with index
startTime = new Date();
db.Employee.find( { Emp_id: 7500 } );
endTime = new Date();
print("Time taken to search after index: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms")
Output for query 6:
Time taken to search before index: 57msTime taken to search after index: 35ms
- Return a List of Indexes on created on employee Collection.