DatabaseManagementSystems/Practical/Practical Exam/PL-SQL/P4 - PL-SQL

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P4 - PL/SQL block

Problem Statement: Write a PL/SQL block for following requirements and handle the exceptions. Roll no. of students will be entered by the user. Attendance of roll no. entered by user will be checked in the Stud table. If attendance is less than 75% then display the message “Term not granted” and set the status in stud table as “Detained”. Otherwise display message “Term granted” and set the status in stud table as “Not Detained”. Student (Roll, Name, Attendance, Status)

Creating table

    Roll NUMBER(14),
    Name VARCHAR(255),
    Attendance NUMBER(14),
    Status VARCHAR(255)

Inserting data

INSERT INTO Student VALUES (1, 'Tanmay', 76, 'Not Yet Reviewed');
INSERT INTO Student VALUES (2, 'Rajesh', 80, 'Not Yet Reviewed');
INSERT INTO Student VALUES (3, 'Tejas', 88, 'Not Yet Reviewed');
INSERT INTO Student VALUES (4, 'Machkar', 35, 'Not Yet Reviewed');
INSERT INTO Student VALUES (5, 'Jayashree', 74, 'Not Yet Reviewed');


    p_att Student.Attendance%type;
    p_roll Student.Roll%type;
    nodata EXCEPTION;
    p_roll := &p_roll;

    IF (p_roll < 0) THEN
        raise nodata;
    END IF;

    SELECT Attendance INTO p_att FROM Student WHERE Roll = p_roll;

    IF (p_att < 75) THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term not granted!');
        UPDATE Student SET Status = 'Detained' WHERE Roll = p_roll;
    ELSIF (p_att >= 75) THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term granted!');
        UPDATE Student SET Status = 'Not Detained' WHERE Roll = p_roll;
    END IF;
    WHEN nodata THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Enter valid rollno!!');

Output After entering every Roll no: ROLL NAME ATTENDANCE STATUS
1 Tanmay 76 Not Detained
2 Rajesh 80 Not Detained
3 Tejas 88 Not Detained
4 Machkar 35 Detained
5 Jayashree 74 Detained