- Assignments and Question Banks - Handouts - Notes - Question Papers - Unit Contents - Unit Tests - DISCLAIMER and motto file Lastly, updated README file.
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Human Computer Interface (HCI)
This repository is a valuable resource for a course on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design, focusing on its significance in software development. It includes materials that cover key objectives such as understanding the HCI design process, learning user interface fundamentals, and exploring HCI from various perspectives. The contents provide guidelines for creating effective interfaces, applying golden rules of design, and evaluating user interface effectiveness. Additionally, it addresses HCI's role in paradigms like ubiquitous computing and virtual reality, while emphasizing user models and stakeholder requirements. This repository aims to equip learners with the skills needed to enhance user experiences in technology interactions.
Want to contribute? Start by opening an issue in this repository!
Assignments / Question Banks
- Case Study
- Gaming Control
- Gesture control using Java and Android
- Mobile app using HCI
- Pattern Recognition
- Testing of various models
Question Papers
Unit Tests
Unit Contents
-> Disclaimer: Please read the DISCLAIMER file for important information regarding the contents of this repository.
-> Note: Content such as assignment solutions and question papers is provided by us, i.e. our contributors. You are free to use this content however you wish, without any restrictions. Some of the notes, assignment questions, handouts, unit tests and other miscellaneous content have been provided by our professors, thus to use them for anything other than educational purposes, please contact them.
-> Maintained by:
-> Repository icon from Icons8.
-> Motto:
-> Keywords:
SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Third Year, TE, Semester 5, SEM-5, Elective 1, Human Computer Interface, assignments, assignment solutions, handouts, HCI handouts, HCI unit tests