Digital Electonics and Logic Design (DELD)
This repository comprises comprehensive resources including handouts with solutions, lab manuals, question papers, and question banks tailored for Digital Electronics and Logic Design (DELD). This subject is a part of the computer engineering curriculum for Semester 3 at SPPU.
- Unit 1 - Minimization Technique
- Unit 2 - Combinational Logic Design
- Unit 3 - Sequential Logic Design
- Unit 4 - Algorithmic State Machines and Programmable Logic Devices
- Unit 5 - Logic Families
- Unit 6 - Introduction to Computer Architecture
DELD - Handout (Assignment 1-13)
- DELD - Handout solutions - A1
- DELD - Handout solutions - A2
- DELD - Handout solutions - A3
- DELD - Handout solutions - A4
- DELD - Handout solutions - A5
- DELD - Handout solutions - A6
- DELD - Handout solutions - B4
- DELD - Handout solutions - B7
- DELD - Handout solutions - B8
- DELD - Handout solutions - B9 & B10
- DELD - Handout solutions - B11
- DELD - Handout solutions - D12
Question Papers
-> Disclaimer: Please read the DISCLAIMER file for important information regarding the contents of this repository.
-> Note: All the notes, question bank and lab manuals (handouts) are provided by our professors, thus to use them for anything other than educational purposes, please contact them. All the lab manual (handout) solutions are provided by our contributors. You are free to use this content provided by us, i.e. by our contributors however you want without any restrictions. All the question papers are from SPPU archives.
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-> Keywords:
SPPU, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune University, Computer Engineering, COMP, Second Year, SE, Semester 3, SEM-3, Syllabus, Digital Electronics and Logic Design, DELD, notes, assignments, question papers, pyqs, question bank, assignment solutions, handouts, assignment 1-13, deld notes,
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